Getting ahead of getting tripped up

Founding Mother, Chard & Stripes

Sometimes I have to laugh at life’s sense of humor, or how it gives me “opportunities” to practice what I plan to preach. Like yesterday, when I woke up thinking I’d share a process by Abraham-Hicks called “segment intending.”

First I’ll explain the process, then why I laughed about it.

Segment intending is about setting the tone of your day—not letting anyone or anything do it for you—by telling yourself what you want to experience, segment by segment.

It’s about getting present before starting a new activity or dealing with a different person.

I don’t segment intend religiously, but tend to do it before I drive by thanking the cosmos in advance for getting me where I’m going safely and on time. I also intend to wind down and sleep soundly every night (though not always successfully).

But getting back to yesterday.

I woke up intending to meditate and write about segment intending later. I meditated and started a new segment by opening up Gmail to watch my “Mornings with Marianne” video…

Without telling myself what I wanted from the coming moments.

Had I intended to be uplifted, I wouldn’t have clicked a message at the top of my “Primary” tab from a sender who has a history of sending me rants. And boy was the message a NEXT-LEVEL guilt trip.

I was so thrown off at first that I considered texting a friend, and even emailing my pastor!, for help to process what I’d just read. But having intended to write about segment intending, my confusion didn’t last long. I thought, “Oh no, chicky, I am NOT the one.”

I deleted the message and chuckled at the “opportunity” to put MY tone in the driver’s seat.

My takeaway though?

Set an intention before opening email! And texts too! 🙂

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Harmon is a scientist turned storyteller and Founding Mother of Chard & Stripes, a “school” of prosperity making and word-of-mouth marketing platform for kind people, products and businesses in food, fashion & more. Subscribe to her newsletter here.