Our work = spreading prosperity by making media and clothes.

Work wear to be free & look fly while bettering the fashion world.
The Chard & Stripes “Locally-Made, Tiny-Batch” Boutique is for minimalist women who love color and are here to change lives…
NOT get stuck picking clothes for work.
Click here for news when our new & improved shirts arrive.

Products to help you get clear about work you could love & grow your impact.
Your mission is to make a difference but you feel confused about the who, what and how.
Sadly, no clarity means no prosperity.
But have no fear, because our clarity products are in the works and the first will be here soon!

Lists of finds for you to love & promote by word of mouth.
The Chard & Stripes Lists are like Oprah’s faves only…
Our focus is on national treasures—organizations whose work we love—as well as earthly delights from American small businesses!
Keep track of things that make you swoon ’cause we’ll call for your nominations once we can handle them. 🙂
Coming when the time is right.

First-person insights to help you make prosperity in all aspects of life.
As the name suggests, a wayshower “shows others the way.” To peace. To prosperity. To harmony.
Wayshower will be a category of the Chard & Stripes blog to share quick Q&As with people taking a kinder, gentler approach to…everything.

Local stories to spark national unity.
In the last 15 years, more than 1/4 of American newspapers have gone out of business. And the loss of local newspapers tends to correspond with lower voter turnout, increased polarization and an erosion of civic engagement.
The Chard & Stripes Times will be a blog category intended to spark people working together toward a common cause by sharing stories of that happening locally to replicate.

Action guides to make prosperity locally.
Across America, rules on the books need changing to help We The People shape our own communities.
Under the banner Civic-Minded American, we at Chard & Stripes will produce accessible action guides—like on building better food systems and reviving decaying storefronts—to allow We The People to make prosperity from the “bottom” up.